Friday, February 12, 2016

My biggest challenge

The time has finally come to for our class to be done with our documentary summary projects. I have to tell you that it was not easy at all. This project really challenged me as a writer in a multitude of ways, but the biggest challenge I faced was definitely learning how to maintain the information I needed while meeting the length requirement of five pages.
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The presence of a problem in meeting the length requirements of my writing is not a new issue for me in the slightest unfortunately. In my academic career I have always written more then the assignment required. I always found that when I was writing that I had more to say and so I wrote. This style of writing was allowed by some teachers and professors alike, but also rejected by some as well. I think the bigger issue of the two would be the professors and teachers I had that did not care about myself exceeding the length requirements that were set for the assignment. Now, the type of papers I produced for these classes were good and often yielded me high marks. So, the content is not usually the issue with my papers, but the habit creates a problem when the assignment and subsequently the professor or teacher are strict in regard to the length requirements.

Now, this assignment was particularly difficult for me because the maximum length that I could reach was five pages and I produced about nine and a half pages on my first draft. So, I had a long way to go to get my paper cut down to the required amount of pages that the assignment called for. It was difficult for me to do this at first because it is hard for me as a writer to get rid of writing that I feel is perfectly good. So, I had to read through my draft and go over the main issues that arouse in my documentary and make sure I kept those, but eliminated the things I did not need. So, with each passing draft from my first draft forward I broke up paragraphs, fixed verb usage, and eliminated four and a half pages, two with the second revision and two with the fourth revision, and achieved the maximum length requirement that the assignment called for.
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So, in order to overcome my challenge of meeting the length requirements in this assignment I had to work very hard and produce multiple drafts. I did not do this by myself though. I could not have done this by myself. I used the help of my professor and my classmates in order to see my drafts issues and produce a stronger draft each time. This then led me to producing my fourth and final draft that was exactly five pages in length. It was more concise, organized, and structurally sound because of the help I received, which gave me the tools I needed to complete this assignment, as well as motivated me to overcome this issue and succeed in completion of this assignment.

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